The Orange’s RIPE Account Incident: Why Security Matters at Every Layer and Process

Luis Toro (aka @LobuhiSec)
2 min readJan 5, 2024


The cybersecurity world witnessed a concerning incident these days: the compromise of Orange’s RIPE account, obtained through the Racoon malware in a compromised asset back in September 2023.

This event underscores the critical importance of performing proper Digital Security Incident Response (DFIR) procedures and techniques. The detection of the malware should have triggered a thorough review and immediate change of all compromised credentials. However, this essential step was overlooked.

Another troubling aspect of the incident was the revelation that the compromised password was ‘ripeadmin’, a classic example of weak password choice. With just eight lowercase alphabetical characters, its hash would be easily crackable. Furthermore, RIPE’s password policy did not force users to create stronger passwords, so we cannot hold Orange entirely responsible for such an ill-advised decision.

However, even with a stronger password, the leakage and misuse could still have occurred. This is where the importance of implementing a second factor of authentication (2FA) comes into play. This additional security mechanism, regrettably overlooked by Orange and not enforced by RIPE, could have been a significant barrier for attackers.

The conclusion is clear: the successful attack on Orange’s RIPE account is a compilation of failures at multiple security levels. An effective DFIR analysis leading to a credential change, coupled with the activation of 2FA, could have prevented this incident. This case highlights the pressing need for organizations to adopt a more rigorous and layered approach to cybersecurity. Strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, and quick and efficient incident response, among other processes, are crucial for safeguarding the integrity of critical systems in today’s digital landscape. Ultimately, the incident should serve as a wake-up call for all entities in the digital realm, emphasizing the importance of robust and proactive security to prevent such incidents.

